The EMPulse Series is extensively used in the manufacturing sector, where managing the cost of labour is paramount. In addition, manufacturing operations present particular payroll challenges—unionized environments and labour complexities such as variable hours, overtime, piecework and high turnover.
The challenges companies face in tackling a manufacturing payroll are often enormous. We have a solution for even the most complex manufacturing workforce management challenges:
Our Solution for the Manufacturing Industry:
Project Tracking and Costing
The advanced capabilities of our Project Tracking and Costing solution turn multi-level project timesheets into employee payments, billing requests and general ledger transactions (including direct and indirect project costs), even in the most demanding job costing environments.
Flexible, User-Defined Reports
Detailed costing reports can be based on multiple criteria— employees, groups, projects (or other defined cost center)— for any single day or range of dates.
Consolidation and Management of Employee Information
The EMPulse Series Human Resources module allows companies to streamline vast ranges of employee information (skills, licenses, permits, company assets, education and training, health and safety, etc.) for analysis, reporting, job allocation and recruitment.